Thursday, August 30, 2012

Moving day!

Ok so I'm at the airport, checked in and having something to eat and a glass of wine :)

When I checked in they asked me if I could imagine traveling tomorrow instead, they would've paid me money and paid for a hotel but I said no. He said ok and explained that they're fully booked. I'm still a little worried but I've got my boarding pass and everything so I think I should be ok.

Can't believe this day is finally here! Moving day!! I think it just hit me on the way here. I'm actually moving to England for a while! The past few days have been crazy busy with cleaning, packing and saying my goodbyes. It's almost surreal. But I'm so excited!! :D

- Posted from my iPhone

Sunday, August 26, 2012


I've been packing yesterday and today :D Still have a few more boxes left to pack. These are things I have to take down to the basement. I've got laundry next week and after that I can start packing what I'm actually going to take with me.

- Posted from my iPhone

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Bring it!

I cannot believe I'm moving in a few days! I had a little freak out about leaving my friends last week but now; I'm so ready for this! I'm ready for a fresh start in a new country :D Bring it on!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Last morning shift

It is such a great feeling to sit on the metro at 7 am and realize that this is my last early morning for almost 3 weeks until uni starts!
I've got two evening shifts left next week but that's it, then I'm off to London!

- Posted from my iPhone

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Bad blogger

I'm really bad at updating the blog right now. Andy is visiting and we're having a touristy week in Stockholm. Will do better next week! :)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Three weeks to go!

Only three weeks left until I move to London! This past year has been all about waiting, waiting for three or four weeks to then see Andy for a few days. Don't get me wrong, I do have a life here too and I do see my friends a lot but the waiting has still been present for almost a year now.

In three weeks, finally and for the first time, we won't have to wait anymore!! We can spend every weekend together, and we can spend time with each other during week nights too, just doing...nothing! Just seeing a movie or going for a walk. It'll be amazing to be able to have a normal relationship and do normal things, like a normal couple.

I'm not expecting it to be all sunshine though, i'm aware of the fact that when we've seen each other so far we've been on vacation mode. We've been going out, having fun and doing touristy things when we've visited each other. This time it will be more for real, we'll do normal boring stuff too and we'll have to deal with everyday life. But I'm just so looking forward to having a normal relationship, where everything isn't a vacation all the time! It will be AMAZING!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Happy birthday!!

Today is my best friends 30th birthday!! We're out having dinner and drinks. Happy birthday wifey!!

- Posted from my iPhone

Monday, August 6, 2012


Me and Bella took a nap on the couch earlier :)

- Posted from my iPhone

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Thank you Whatsapp, thank you Skype, thank you Ryanair....

I sometimes complain about how hard it is to be in a long distance relationship. And it is hard, but it could be a lot harder!
I was talking to this girl at work, she met her boyfriend on a vacation and he eventually moved countries for her. They met about five years ago though and their relationship was a lot more old school than mine and Andy's. They didn't have all these means of communication that we have today so they mostly called each other and texted, which must've cost them a fortune! Also, they didn't have the opportunity to see each other as often and sometimes months could pass between visits.

All this got me thinking about how lucky we are. There are so many things that make this relationship easier and I'm so thankful for that! Here are a few things I have to be thankful for;

Whatsapp: This app has probably saved us a fortune! When Andy and I first met we used text messaging. After about a week I realized that if we continue the messaging it will cost us loads! Mia then recommended Whatsapp, which is an app that allows you to text, send photos and video clips free of charge. The best part is that it works with Iphone AND blackberry! We've been using this app constantly for almost a year now.

Skype: Aaaahh I have a love/hate relationship with Skype. It's not really Skypes fault though, it's just the fact that it requires a strong Internet connection and if you don't have that it can be a bit tricky. But if you do have a strong signal skyping is amazing! It's such an amazing feeling to be able to see and talk to your partner when you're hundreds of miles apart! It's almost as if you get to see them for a little while.

Ryanair: Here's another love/hate relationship. Waking up at 2.30 am to take a taxi to the central station, then a bus for 1h 20 min to Skavsta Airport and then having to deal with annoying people queuing up 2 hours before the flight and fighting over seats.... Is it a wonder you sometimes hate Ryanair? But the truth is; we couldn't have done this if it wasn't for Ryanair. There's no way we could've seen each other every three weeks if we had to pay regular air fares! So thank you Ryanair!

So, even though I often complain, it's still important to realize that it could've been so much harder than it has been, and for that I'm so very thankful!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Good friends

I was at Mia's last night for a chicken fajita night. We sat on her balcony having wine and talking until midnight. It was so nice to see her, it's been a while!

I met Mia during my first semester at Uni but it wasn't until we had an English course together and decided to go to Thailand for our teacher training project that we became closer friends. We spent two months at a Swedish school in Phuket. It was such an amazing experience!

We were just talking about how hard it is to make new friends once you get older. It's pretty rare that you meet people that you actually become close with. Mia is one of those people and I'm so happy that we're still in touch! It's not always easy to make time to see each other, we've both been traveling, she's been to Korea for a year to study and we're both always busy with Uni and work. But we still manage to have our dinner and wine nights where we just spend the night talking and talking. I hope we get to have a lot more of them in the future :)

- Posted from my iPhone

Friday, August 3, 2012


Good morning!

I'm on my way to work and for once I'm not too tired :)

Frida has this elephant necklace that I love! I went by my sister last night after an evening at my moms house. She gave me some things she doesn't use; among other things that exact same elephant necklace! :D Yayyyy!

- Posted from my iPhone

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Taco night at mom's!

My sister Emmi :)

- Posted from my iPhone

My only day off this week

Aaah, finally a day off! Yesterday I worked a morning shift and then walked 8 km home after work, I don't think I've ever been as tired as I was when I got home. Still managed to make pizza and then watch tv the rest of the night without falling asleep, an amazing achievement!

Tried to skype with Andy again last night. Since he has just moved he doesn't have Internet at the apartment yet and for some reason there's no mobile Internet reception either. So us trying to skype ended up with him driving around in his car looking for connection somewhere. Lol, the things we do...
It is different to not be able to skype. We have Whatsapp where we chat constantly but still, it's nice to actually see each other sometimes.

Today I'm going to try to get as much as possible done. I've got laundry booked for 2 pm and after that I'm going to my moms for dinner. I was thinking I should start going trough some stuff in the apartment and also do some sort of exercise today. So I should get started really!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Good morning everyone!

It is way too early to be up! Worked till 11 last night which makes it even more brutal. But, the sun is shining and I've got a feeling it's gonna be a good day!

- Posted from my iPhone