Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Looking forward to going to England!!

Last week was so busy I barely had time to blog! I also had a deadline yesterday. Thought I'd be completely off today but the teacher from my next course e-mailed us saying we should write a synopsis of our project till tomorrow....great! Also, I need to do some work since I'll be in England the rest of the week.

I'm not working all day though, a few hours should be enough. After that I need to get a haircut and go to town to buy some things.

I'm really looking forward to visiting Andy! He's working on Thursday so I'll try to get some work done then too, but I also need to go to Debenhams in Hemel to buy a mascara that they stupidly don't sell in Sweden. Might see if I can find a new pair of running shoes as well. On the Friday we'll be driving up north to where the wedding is, we're staying in a hotel for two nights. I think we'll be meeting up with some of Andy's friends on the Friday for dinner and drinks and then it's wedding time on Saturday! On Sunday we'll drive to Andy's parents and spend the night there. Monday will be spent driving down south and early Tuesday morning it's time to go home! The weekend is going to go so fast! Anyway, can't wait!!!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Beautiful day

Just took a break from working and went out for a walk, it's so nice out today!

- Posted from my iPhone

I'm still here!

Haven't been blogging much this week, I've been crazy busy! Most of the week was spent studying for my history exam. The exam was yesterday and I hope I passed! It was just a pass/fail exam so can't hope for a higher grade than that. The test consisted of three questions and I'm pretty sure i aced the first one (industrial revolution), the second one was ok (democratization in Sweden) but the third question was one I was hoping wouldn't come on the exam (Cold war). My weak points were nationalism, Germany from the Versailles treaty to end of WW2 and the Cold War. Off course that question came up! Lol, anyway, I think I wrote an ok answer so hopefully I will have passed!

This exam was a part of a course I did almost two years ago but for different reasons I never did the exam. So if I passed it, I only have two extra essays from previous terms left. I'm so lucky that the first two courses of this semester have been fairly easy, otherwise I would never have found the time to study for old exams, write old papers AND work. I hope this next course isn't too difficult either, it at least looks as if we have loads of free time (well independent study time).

This weekend is pretty uneventful, I'm cat-sitting at my mum's. I haven't been able to do any grading work this week so I'm trying to squeeze in at least 6 hours of that today. I also have another deadline on Monday so need to work on that. Can't wait till Tuesday! I'll be inbetween courses as the next one starts wednesday and then it's Easter! Time to breathe! Well, not really. Time to go to England for yet another wedding! :) I'll leave on Wednesday night and will be back next Tuesday. It'll be great to see Andy and so much fun to go to a wedding! Can't wait!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Good food

My darling wife and roommate made a nice dinner tonight. Avocado soup with prawns fried in chili, spinach salad with tofu and halloumi, yummie!

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I had an amazing dream last night. I dreamt that I was finished with all this Uni work, finally done - with everything! I then booked a one way ticket to Italy and decided to travel wherever I wanted from there and not go home until I felt like it. The feeling was amazing!

I think I need a vacation. And also, I think a vacation on my one would do me good! Maybe I don't need to go to Italy indenfinitely but a weekend somewhere would be so nice! I can't wait to be done with all this work so that I can start living my life!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Saturday at uni

Decided to go to the uni library today. It's amazingly empty here on a Saturday! I will be doing this again!

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Friday, March 15, 2013

Time for my reward!

A glass of wine and pomegranate seeds. I just love pomegranate! Unfortunately it's just a pain to peel. In England you could buy the seeds so you didn't have to do the peeling. Not that I ever did, but it's a good idea for us lazy people!

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Crappiest blogger everrrrrr

Sorry for being such a crappy blogger at the moment. I've just got too much to do! Studying for this history exam is killing me, there's just so much to read!

So you wanna know how I'm spending my Friday night? Yep, you got it: I'm reading about Hitler and the Holocaust...
Ah well, at least I'll be rewarding myself with a glass of wine and an episode of Grey's Anatomy in an hour or so! =)

Monday, March 11, 2013

Busy busy busy

I just realized that I'm way behind in my study schedule! It's just harder to have the time to study when I'm at teacher training every day. But it needs to be done so, from now on: no excuses! I've got a history exam next Friday (22/3) and another assignment due on the Monday after (25/3) and I need to work hard every day to be able to do it! I'm still going to try not to make the mistake of just sitting inside and studying. I've got to have some fun too or I'll get all isolated and crazy again.

The thing is that I think the rest of my term will be this busy. And somehow I'll have to find the time  to apply for jobs as well. I'm sure it'll be fine though! I just need to calm down and start working! 

Fika time!

Coffee and the "Naturgodis" I convince myself is healthy.

I'm just not into studying at all today! The last thing I want to do after a day of teacher training is study.... Only one hour to go tho, after that it's laundry time! My life is so exciting ;)

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Can't wait for spring!!

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Sunday, March 10, 2013


The weekend just went by so fast! I've actually had a weekend off studying and working. On Friday night I just stayed in and watched TV. Yesterday me and Mikaela went to town for lunch and then an exhibit at the Postmusem. Then in the evening I went out with Jenny and her friend Johanna. We danced and had cocktails, it was a good night! And no hangover today! Amazing!

Today I'm going to my dad's in the afternoon. And if I have time I'll go to the gym. Because I've been ignoring studies/work this weekend I should also: study for my history exam, work some extra hours, apply for jobs. I realize there's no way I can do all of that but should at least try to do as much as possible.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Just got home. I'm tired, got loads of work/studying to do and kids are evil... But it's still been a good day! :)

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A great day!

I was trying to post this in the morning when I was on my way to my teacher training school but it didn't work. I'm substituting today :) I had to get up at 6, like a normal person. It's hard to get up that early but it is just amazing to have a normal life for a week or so (teacher training tomorrow and next week)!

This has made me realize how tired I am of the whole uni thing. I just want to start working already!

- Posted from my iPhone

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Don't worry about things you can't control

I've done a lot of thinking today. Recently I've been worrying a lot about things that are out of my control. What if this happens? What if that goes wrong? What if things don't work out the way I want them to?

I've always been a worrier. If I get something on my mind, I can't let it go and I just keep thinking about it, feeling like I have to make some choices or decisions about things. I know this is a bit abtract to a lot of people but in my head it makes sense. I've spent the last few days worrying and going over different scenarios in my head. Last night, I decided I need to do something about it. So I wrote down a list of things that worry me, then I wrote down possible ways to deal with my worries. My conclusion: Stop worrying about things you can't control!

This is off course easier said than done but the truth is that there is absolutely no point to it. Worrying will only makes things worse. Worrying and obsessing about the past is just plain out stupid. What's happened has happened and there's nothing you can do about it. Work on how to do better in the future instead. Worrying about the future won't do you any good either, things will always work out one way or another! Just try to live in the moment and appreciate life for what it is today.
Obviously this is hard, and I'm nowhere near there yet. But I am working on it!

Sleeping in

I had such a hard time getting out of bed this morning! It's difficult when you're a student and you know that you have things to do but you also know that you don't have to do anything.

Starting tomorrow I've got 7 days of teacher training which means getting up at 6 and being tired when I get back home. So I should really make the most if this day!
Anyway, I've had my porridge breakfast and it's time to get started!

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Monday, March 4, 2013

Teaching in England

I had a look at some teaching jobs online yesterday evening and found a few that seemed really interesting! I need to start applying soon as the deadline for most of them is in March!

It's a bit hard to look for jobs in a new country when you don''t know how anything works. But I'll just have to learn. I was just on a online chat with the Department of Education to ask about my possibilities as a NQT (newly qualified teacher) from Sweden. There are good news and bad news. The good news are that English teachers are in demand and that it seems as though I don't need to do an induction period in the uk. The bad news is that I need to get QTS (qualified teacher status) before applying for jobs. I won't graduate until June, and then I'll have to wait for my actual degree for a while, THEN I can apply for QTS. I'm not sure how important it is to do things in that order, maybe the schools will trust me that I actually have a degree before I get my QTS...?


Sunday, March 3, 2013


No matter how much I hate the goodbyes, it's still so worth it. Thanks for a brilliant weekend Andy! I'm so lucky to have you <3

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I hate saying goodbye...

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